Blackstone Hill, Klifden Station, Ida Valley

This Saturday  we head to the Fraser Weir, Hawksburn road area. Please meet at 1:00pm corner Walton & Thompson streets, to Car pool out with M-Zs duty pack this week.

Despite some wet and snowy weather early in the week , Saturday afternoon turned out  to be  a pleasant winters day in the Ida Valley at Klifden Station.

I am not sure how many turned up ,but there was a bus load who ventured  out.

Walking boots were the order of the day, as conditions were a bit muddy and slippery underfoot in places .  I am guessing most groups followed Joe’s maps , which also meant some uphill workouts.

It appears our president took over leader duties of the W2 walkers, but I am told his dead ant impression still needs some  work. I am told limbs should all be pointing skyward.

The advantage of climbing up hills is you get some great views of the surrounding countryside and of course those blue skies. So looks like around a dozen or so in W1s and W2 groups , half dozen W3s ?

This Saturday is a more local outing to Fraser Weir. We will car pool out at 1pm onto Hawksburn road , at the bottom of the hill veer left to a car park on the road to Fraser Weir. Jo & Joe will be away ski orienteering

I have ordered some more blue skies. Better not over do it on the walk though,

Following on at 6pm is the club’s mid year dinner at the Senior citizens rooms in Skird street . Barrie reminds you if you want a drink , you will need to BYO and  BDFB (that’s Bring a Drink For Barrie)

Hope to see you all there , or at least at the dinner later on..
