Sheepshead Station to Fruitlands and all points between

This Saturday,we will once again attempt to get to Klifden  Station on the Blackstone hills, in the upper Ida Valley. The bus will depart at high noon ,that’s 11:59:55am according to club captain, corner Walton & Thompson streets

With A-Ls duty pack once more.

Sheepshead to Mitchells cottage always seems to be a popular outing on the club calendar , and this year was no exception. About 30 or so W1s and W2s got off the bus on  Conroys road.   The groups spread out over a couple of km by the time they made it to Mitchells Cottage. Meantime  about 10  made the journey to Mitchells cottage and ran / walked from there. A few wild deer were spotted grazing down  by the Last chance water race.

The gradual climb from Conroys Road , then the descent down to Butchers creek. Then a steep climb out of the gully before some flattish going ,making sure to turn off the track , before a final down hill to Mitchells cottage. There was some argument about how far it was , but someone had their phone map it out at 9.8km ,lets say 10km.

Plenty of afternoon tea  even for the late arrivals and it had to one of the more pleasant days at the cottage, with  blue skies and no cold wind.

Harriers Dinner 

Sat 13th July, 6:00pm, Senior Citizen Rooms, Skird St

This is a BYO, 2 course dinner for $40.00 per person. We need definite numbers and payment by Saturday 6th July. Please add your name to the list in the book on Saturday or email Alison directly ( if you plan to come. Payment is directly to the club account 03 1733 0004935 00 with your name and ‘Dinner’ the reference. Alternatively, cash to Alison on Saturday will be fine. Please be sure to invite your partners, non-members are welcome.

Barrie now has the list , so if you want to go ,or can’t go , sort it out with Barrie on 021 445 918  or Alison

As mentioned on Saturday Joe has created maps of the walks as attached which you can put on your phone.  Contact Joe  for help. Working ok on windows ,android phone s but having some issues with Apple phones

I am back on call this week ,so will not be joining you at Klifden station , but hopefully can arrange a little sunshine. Seems like whenever Jo books in a walk at Klifden, we get snow. Driving through the top of the Ida Valley yesterday afternoon as  started to get some snow falling , but was  not settling on the ground. Perhaps Jo could  get a side hustle going with the skifields.

Have a good walk
