Como Villa this Saturday

This Saturday we will catch a bus at 1:00pm ,corner Walton & Thompsons streets to Sheepshead station,  where those  keen will get off and walk through to Mitchells Cottage at Fruitlands. Others will stay on the bus and walk from Mitchells cottage.  M-Zs duty  pack this week.

Last  Saturday we had about 35 turn up at Como Villa for a walk around the Earnscleugh Tailings and river track .We didn’t meet Mario , but  we dida meeta  Johnny. Most groups wandered over the tailings, numbers did appear to vary a bit , about 10 in the W1s ,20 odd in the W2s and 5 or so in the W3s. And another 3 or 4 in a group of their own. I have included an old photo of the tailings to give an idea of the amount of land they cover. You can tell it is an old photo as Marshal road goes straight across a bridge to the tailings. It was washed away in the 100 year flood of 1978. One of the culprits for the tailings is the Alexandra dredge ,which closed down in 1962. DOC have been on the lookout for those smuggling rocks from the tailings , but the ones in our shoes were pretty small.

Meantime , a group of 14 were heading into the Greenstone Valley. Must have went ok as I did not get a call from the rescue centre. But no photos from Greenstone, so they must have been to busy walking.

Well , it has been a grey old couple of weeks so far this winter .Can’t promise any more sunshine this week , another week of fine spells and clouds all week.

So look on the bright side, no rain or snow. May pay to bring along a windbreaker on Saturday , as there is often a lazy breeze blowing at Mitchells Cottage. Hope to see you there.
