Waikerikeri Valley

This Saturday disregard your syllabus. Everyone to meet at 1:00pm ,corner Walton & Thompson streets , where we will car pool out to Como Villa in Earnscleugh, not Italy. A-Ls duty pack this week and we will most likely head on down to the tailings and river track area.

Last Saturday we met up at the usual place and time , thinking it was going to be a small turn out. But it turned out  a  big crowd had already gone direct to Waikerikeri , so we ended up with nearly 40 walkers there. Plans  had changed a bit as early morning rain ,made for damp slippery conditions underfoot. And heading on up the ridge into cloud on the track , would give people a chance to get lost. (Would that be such a bad thing ? ) The local weather god delivered once more , rain earlier in morning , cloudy for harrier time , then rain again in the evening

So we went up the road a little further , before looping back down the valley besides the  trees , the cows , and the swedes. Numbers in the packs varied a bit , as some front runners in the W2s decided they could stay with the W1s. And a retired farmer in the W3s obviously felt years younger , back beside those cows and swedes and caught up with the W2s. All groups went down the valley before looping back or dropping back down onto Waikerikeri road.  I think the W2s may have  gone furthest down the valley. And all were back for afternoon tea within about 5 minutes of each other.

The gannets were happy again as plenty of afternoon tea was available.

This Saturday 12 members will head away early in the morning with an overnight tramp to the Greenstone hut and returning Sunday.  So an executive decision was made to swap the next 2 scheduled outings around , so we would not be paying for a half empty bus to Mitchells cottage. So we can enjoy a car trip out to Como Villa this Saturday and a bus ride  Sheepshead to Fruitlands at the end of the month.

Club dinner Senior Citizens rooms 13 July  6pm .Remember to pay $40 into club account  031733 0004935 00 and remember to put your name and dinner down as reference

Hope to see you all at Como Villa. Some better weather has been booked in for those going to Greenstone hut  and also those staying local.
