Flat Top Hill

It is another local outing this Saturday. This week we will go out to Waikerikeri Valley , meet corner Walton & Thompson streets at 1pm to car pool out with M-Zs duty pack this week.

For new members to the club ,we have a website www.alexharriers.co.nz ,look under the Tab “About the club” for useful info. Sometimes I think some of our longer term members should also refresh their memories there as well.

On Saturday we had a typical Central Otago winters day , blue skies and still a little cool in the shade. We had a turnout around 40. But we had to go right down into the committee to get things organised.

Our president was away, likewise club captain  and treasurer. Our raffle manager was also away , so we were getting down to a few committee members. Barrie’s apprentice raffle seller Joe , managed to sell 41 tickets . I didn’t think we had so many there. Although I did hear a couple sneaked out a bit earlier to give their  4 legged friends a walk in the hills They beat the W2s back , but their 4 legged friends were worn out, catching some zzss in the car. There were about 15 or so  members in the W1s , who headed on up and then on to Flat Top reserve , before dropping back down a fairly steep looking track to Butchers dam. The W2s had 17 members, who appear to have followed a similar track to the W1s , but were out for about 2.5 hours, so were really looking forward to afternoon tea. Meantime a half dozen W3s wandered around the lower elevations surrounding Butchers dam. A quick photo of some of the W3s revealed a UFO on the left hand side of the picture. Not an unidentified flying object , more an unintended finger observed.

It is now June so treasurer reminds member subs should have been paid by now. $40 to club account 031 733 000493500

Club dinner has been booked in to Senior citizens rooms on 13 July. List is in attendance book and please pay $40 into club account. Remember to put your name down as reference as well as  sub or dinner.

There could be a couple of showers Saturday morning ,but should be clearing up by Harrier time.

Hope to see you there
