Omeo Gully

Saturday was another blue sky day for the harriers outing ,at least it was above the clouds. Yes we got our first touch of a cooler winter day with low cloud  at Omeo Gully. Numbers were down into the lower 30s this week , whether that was due to the weather or the venue I am not sure. The 2  runners headed up into the hills , getting up high enough to explore the clouds , without losing their way and descending back down to the cars. The walkers all headed up Omeo Gully, the W1s   crossing the creek  before heading up hill. The W2s and W3 walkers kept to the same side of the creek , climbing up the hills overlooking the Blackman road area of Earnscleugh ,  to avoid getting wet feet. Although there was a small group of W2s who broke away and crossed the creek , looping round onto Fraser Road. It was possible to cross the creek without getting wet feet, But crossing it 3 times means you are starting to push your luck. All groups were back pretty close to each other for afternoon tea, with Ewan’s caramel slice a hit this week. So Nadia’s slice recipe has been attached .

This Saturday is the Olrig to Ophir walk. There will be a number of different groups  so pay attention For those wanting a long walk ,meet corner Walton & Thompson streets at 10:15am , to car pool out to  Olrig Station. This is a 18km walk ,so bring lunch ,water ,warm clothes ,jacket and or brolly. Not expecting hoar frost this year, but likely to be cloudy and rain developing. For those wanting a mountain bike ride ,meet at old Alexandra Railway station (off Tarbert Street ) at  11:15am. You will ride out to Olrig station, over the hill to Ophir, Then return to Olrig station by the rail trail , so bring your E-Bike or a good level of fitness (40-50km ride ). Everyone else meet at 12:30pm to catch the bus, which will drop off groups along the way to Ophir , where the bus will pick up the walkers from Olrig and then head back for afternoon tea. Duty pack this week will be M-Zs. Remember likely to be cool with rain developing so dress appropriately .

I am on call at work this week so may not be there.


Other Harrier news from the executive.

Clyde Alex 10km road race ,this event has now been cancelled permanently, due to declining entries , increasing traffic management regulations and costs , and the event has lost money in recent years.

Jo Wilson has organized 1st aid refresher course this Sunday morning at  Community house 8:30am.

A reminder for those not paying cash for outing fees each week (covers raffle and transport costs ) , to pay online into club account either weekly or several weeks at a time.(treasurer thought income too low on Saturday)

27 May President Mike has 16 keen folk to tramp into Mt Aspiring.DOC hut has been booked ,he has hired a van plus a 4wd to get everyone there. He will contact those going with transport costs.

With 16 going to Mt Aspiring , the committee has changed the venue for the rest of us that Saturday to a local outing at McArthur’s road up to the old sheep yards.

Club Constitution changes –  our legal advisor has advised that although the government has brought in a new act ,they have not made  any changes to the regulations ,which they plan to introduce in October.

So no one can change their constitution until  we know what the new regulations are going to be , so nothing is going to change this year –maybe next year.