Awesome Autumnal Arrowtown

Well ,it wasn’t a full bus load , but is was somewhere near 40 harriers who headed over to Arrowtown to partake of the autumn colours. We were probably about 2 weeks late to see the trees in their prime autumnal display, but it was still a fine day for a walk or run.

About 20 W2 walkers got off the bus at the Arrow junction , to walk in to  Arrowtown along the river track. As they got closer to town ,they encountered the W3 walkers doing a loop walk down the river tracks. Our runners took in the Sawpit Gully track as did the W1 walkers. And as seems to be a tradition on outings to Arrowtown, each time  one group is late back, this year it was the W1 walkers. No great hardship though as it was a pleasant day in Arrowtown.

Although it must have been a good hard walk or run , as one or two were observed resting their eyelids on the bus ride home . And a few got dropped off from the bus, so they didn’t have such a big walk  home.

This Saturday we will meet at 1:00pm corner Walton & Thompson Street  to car pool out to Omeo Gully with A-Ls duty pack this week.

President Mike has 14 booked in for the weekend at Mt Aspiring. Our treasurer suggests it would be good if those going to Mt Aspiring were financial members.

Which leads to his reminder ,that Harrier subscriptions are now Due $40 account 031733 0004935 00 ,remember to put your name down in reference field

Temperatures are starting to drop, so remember to dress warmly. Depending on what  track pack leaders take you on ,there is a possibility of creek crossing and wet feet , so Dry footwear could be a good plan. You will not need to worry about Auckland rain on Saturday, the sun will be shining down here , but  the heater element in the big bright thing in the sky will

Not be working  quite so well. Hope to see you there
