Little Valley

Well the local weather god delivered the harriers another fine autumn day, for a walk to Little Valley on Saturday. They managed to avoid the mountain bikers and hunters to all make it back.

About a dozen members decided to walk out from town, heading up Poo valley and then on to the old water race and on down the road to the wool shed. I am told they  kept the pace on for the whole walk and were at the shed on time  at 3:15pm, saving grace being no really steep hills on the journey.

Meantime , about 20ish  W2 walkers got off the bus and walked the water race track. Realizing they would be back too soon , they detoured around the hill to come to the shed from a more north east direction. Still back around 2:50 pm  ,but gave them time to set up afternoon tea. Yes the tables, tea and coffee were there this week.

The half dozen or so W3 walkers were not far  behind, taking a walk in the valley , as well as foraging for field mushrooms along the way. 2/3rds of the running pack also went out to the valley, heading out on the northerly facing track. They eventually found a very deep gorge and decided  a U turn would be the best option ,  seeing as they didn’t have their ropes and harnesses. They arrived back a few minutes after the W3s .

Plenty of afternoon tea , but there was not a lot of the peach loaf. I heard a whisper that a club member was going to make it ,but decided to lie in bed listening to the radio ,until his wife made it. Then he tried it out and decided it was pretty good, I’ll take a bit of it along to harriers and keep more behind for my supper. Disgraceful isn’t it.

Around 15 members decided to rehydrate at the pub ,but no chips! A very loud ,hey where are the harrier chips eventually resulted in the chips making a late appearance.

Other info.

In the plastic box that comes out on the harrier outings is a black address notebook. This is to record your In Case of Emergency info.    ie.  if something happens to you on a harrier outing ,who do we contact. So put your name in the book, if not already, and phone number and name of someone to contact.

Club constitution – the government has introduced new legislation regarding incorporated societies in 2022. The club is reviewing it’s constitution and will pass it under the club’s lawyers eye (heads up there Rose ). And will then put it before the club membership to adopt the new constitution later in the year.

27 May any interest in a weekend walking  at Mount Aspiring area. If interested email secretary  to register your interest. If sufficient interest ,then someone will organize things including costs etc

Also remember if you would like to send photos in to share with club members ,they can be sent to

This weeks outing

This Saturday we will meet at 1:00pm corner Walton & Thompson streets to car pool out to the top end of Waikerikeri valley with A-Ls duty pack. The W1s normally head up the creek , so the possibility of getting wet feet is quite high, so a change of dry footwear may be a good plan. Not sure if you will need a paddle though. I have organized another fine day ,so hopefully will see  you there
