Lower Manorburn Dam

Greetings all , this week we head to Klifden Station Blackstone Hills in the Ida Valley. Meet at 12:00 noon to catch a bus ride out with M-Zs duty pack this week.

There was a big turnout of around 50 members, who turned up at Lower Manorburn Dam at Galloway for an outing. We were introduced to Nigel ,who is a member of the dam working group ,who explained what they were doing there. They are looking for more volunteers and history of the area ,see pic “manor info “ on how to contact them if you would like to volunteer.

Then a big group of W1s & W2s set off together ,heading up a track beside the narrows ,towards the creek. It was a little damp in places , a few rocky outcrops ,some hills – just another harrier outing really. Then the groups split ,about 21 in the W2s and 16 or so in the W1s.The W2s headed up hill and back towards the dam entrance , whilst the W1s carried on further round before turning back also. Most then carried on down to the dam wall ,before heading back for a cuppa. The W3s wandered around some of the tracks around the dam before heading on back.

If you were up later in the evening or early morning , you would have seen a pretty spectacular display of the Aurora Australis in our southern skies.

Observed plenty of Fantails flitting around , as well as plenty of photos being taken around the dam. No complaints about the blue skies , or not enough afternoon tea for the gannets this week.
Photos can be sent to photos@alexharriers.co.nz . I cannot always use all the photos sent in and usually have to reduce the size of photos sent in, as they do not like large attachments going to a large number of email inboxes.

Club dinner either 29 June or 13 July. If have a preference for either date ,email secretary at info@alexharriers.co.nz Otherwise the committee will make an executive decision. We will get back to you when we get a venue sorted and cost of dinner.

Those who are keen to go on the Alexandra Harriers and Walkers overnight tramp to Greenstone Hut Saturday 22nd to Sunday 23rd June. Costs are yet to be finalised Hut fee $20 per night with a back country hut ticket, there is no gas on at hut so bring a cooker per 4 people. There are 20 bunks in the hut, but we cannot book the hut during winter season. First in get the bunks. But will let DoC know how many of us are coming. Self catering. Transport yet to determined, maybe shared private vehicles and or rental van. 7 women & 2 blokes on the list so far. If you are keen please email or text Mike with Your name and contact details mobile & email, Name of your next of kin and their contact number. If you are willing to drive your vehicle? A few small fords to drive through. Do you have a billy or a gas cooker? Michael Kotkamp +64-27-2750369 Michael.Kotkamp@gmail.com

There is a possibility of same rain on Saturday. If so ,it may pay to bring a jacket , and boots instead of shoes in case it gets muddy underfoot. Hope to see you there
