Cleared for take off Alexandra Airport

This Saturday we head for Matakanui township. The bus will depart corner Walton & Thompson streets at 12 noon with A-Ls duty pack this week.

Well it seems many of you did not believe me when i said the rain would stop at lunch time, as numbers down again this week , just 21  taking off for the Alex airport. The rain stopped about 15 minutes before harrier time , although  a breeze did spring up at the airport.

For those easily distracted , the fire service were also in the area doing training on working around helicopters and filling monsoon buckets , doing a number of loops around the airport. Lucky for us, they decided the walkers did not require a cold shower.

The 9 W1 walkers managed to find a 9-10km walk around the airport tracks, but did appear to have trouble staying together as they came back in 3 or 4 groups. 

The 3 W4 walkers  kept to a fairly level playing field ,following the other walking groups for a time.

Surprise ,surprise ,we had a couple of runners again this week. They were not quite sure what to do , so brought a guide dog along to show them how to run and where to go. I am told the guide dog also celebrated birthday number 9 on Saturday , but dog was very disappointed , as didn’t  even get a Jimmys pie for afternoon tea..

That left just 7 W2 & W3 walkers who combined groups, with about a 7.5km walk around the airport , including sneaking past the Alexandra Airforce jet. Although the guard dog on the other side of the hangars did confront some of these walkers. Or maybe just friendly and wanted some company.  

The 2024 harrier season is fast coming to a close, with just a handful left. The grisly looking picture of an injured leg comes from our president , who forgot to have a hmmm moment. Lump fast disappearing and lesson learnt.

As the years go by, we notice the passing of former members and or current members partners or family. We all know death comes for us all , but we are never quite ready for it to touch us. The club extends condolences and thoughts to those members and former members who have suffered a loss, this past year.

This Saturday  some showers are forecast , but hopefully the local weather god can put them outside harrier time. Hope to see you all at Matakanui.
