Row,row,row your way to Weatherall Creek

Well we are now in June , so the past week has given us a taste of winter weather. For some of us that has meant low cloud and freezing temperatures. In some parts of the district that has meant hoar frost. For the Harrier club that has meantĀ  half the club staying at home in front of the fire or heater.

So just over 30 membersĀ  car pooled out to Weatherall Creek for a walk along the Lake Dunstan trail. The W1s and W2s went up the hill along the original track , the W1s carrying on to head uphill further on , whilst the W2s wisely stuck to the new lake trail. The W3s were even smarter and stuck to the lake trail. Yes the old goats , and a few kids were out and about the hills by Lake Dunstan. Several members found It a little harder walking uphill ,whilst sucking in the freezing fresh air. Some brighter skies taunted from around the corner of Champagne gully . Even the cuppa afterwards did not seem as hot as usual, and it did not take long for folk to start cooling down. And so it was off to the pub for a drink in front of the heaters.

This Saturday we meet usual place and time , corner Walton & Thompson streets at 1:00pm , to car pool out to Como Villa , for a wander around the gold tailings at Earnscleugh. M-Zs duty pack this week. Please do not remove gravel from the tailings. This may mean emptying your boots.

The following week will be at Roxburgh. At this stage the consensus seems to be we will go to the carpark below the Roxburgh Dam. This will give walkers the options of walking upstream along the Lake trail, or downstream towards Roxburgh. Details will be confirmed next week.

So I have booked in another sunny day for this Saturday at the Earnscleugh tailings.

See you there
