Local walk for Kings Birthday

Kings Birthday Saturday was a fine day with a bit of high cloud. Best laid plans and all that made last Saturday , came to nothing as the Council closed the area we were going to walk on Bridge Hill.

There was also a conspicuous absence of walkers and runners in attendance , only about 22 turning up. I guess there must be a lot of you away to Wellington, to receive your Kings Honours , so I guess there will be  a lot more Bling being worn in the weeks ahead.

No photos supplied this week , so have gone back in time to gold mining days below Alexandra, and at Doctors Point and 12 mile. The walkers all headed the same way ,down the river track towards Doctors Point. The 3 W3 walkers turned back about Goat Gully , whilst the 10 or so W2 walkers headed further down towards Butchers creek , whilst the W1s went a bit further again. All were back just after 3pm for afternoon tea , and at the pub early at 3:30pm.

As we have advised earlier , the club has cancelled the Clyde Alex 10km races. However since then , there has been some suggestions that we look at organizing an event off road ,so we don’t need traffic management. So if any of you have any ideas for an off road walk / run , bend the ear of a committee member on Saturday or else email club secretary at info@alexharriers.co.nz

This Saturday we will car pool out to Weatherall Creek ,meet 1:00pm corner Walton & Thompson streets with A-Ls duty pack. I guess we will be heading up the Lake Dunstan Trail

Should be another fine frosty cool day on Saturday , so hope to see you there.
