For New Members

We normally head out together in a bus from Alexandra, travelling somewhere between 20 minutes to an hour to get to our venue. Venues change from year to year and can include Queenstown, Matakanui, Chatto Creek, Cromwell, Gorge Creek, Bannockburn, Thomsons Gorge, Earnscleugh, Galloway and often a mystery trip.

The runs and walks are normally around two hours long and finish with afternoon tea back at the bus.

Once a year we head out for the whole weekend; past venues include Glenorchy, Haast, Naseby and the Catlins.



The bus leaves from the Centennial Park, the old swimming pool site, corner of Walton, Rivers & Thompson Streets, at 1.00pm, unless stated earlier. The bus leaves on time, so if you only turn up at 1.00pm, you are likely to see the bus driving off. Please be on time. For walks close to Alexandra we normally car pool , so be prepared to bring your car along to share the car pool experience.


Those with surnames starting with A-L and M-Z alternate as duty pack.

The duty pack is responsible for loading the gear from the club trailer into the bus and unloading the gear from the bus back into the trailer when we get back to town. On arrival at our destination they are responsible for setting up the gas thermette and filling it with water so we have hot water for a cuppa after our run/walk.

After the run / walk they set up the tables, get the cups out, fill the teapots with hot water. When duty pack, please bring a plate of food for afternoon tea. This can include, sandwiches, scones , muffins, cakes, slices, biscuits, fruit. For those with no cooking skill, we will still accept bought biscuits. After afternoon tea the duty pack clears everything away and reloads the bus. The club provides the tea, coffee , milk, sugar etc.


The walking groups have 3 packs: W1, W2, W3. The W1 group are the fastest group, they will push the pace and usually like to include some hill work. The W2 group are a bit slower but still get a good workout and will follow similar country to the W1 group. The W3 group usually try to avoid the hills and will usually not go as far as the W1 & 2 groups, but a reasonable level of fitness is still required. The groups usually walk for 1 ½ to 2 hours.

The runners have 1 or 2 packs depending on numbers. There is usually a pack for faster runners and another for slower runners. We try to keep together so if you get ahead of your pack , loop back to rejoin the other runners. We do not have a set distance we run / walk each week, we go out for the time available usually 1 ½ hours, but it can be 2 hours sometimes.


Our runs and walks are over the winter months and at times at higher altitudes. As such you need to be prepared for cold temperatures. This means polyprop / merino thermal clothing, a light windbreaker, hat, gloves. Sometimes we can get wet feet, so a change of footwear is required. Runners are advised to bring a change of warm clothing.


Our walks and runs are on reserve land , the DOC estate, as well as private farmland.

Dogs are not permitted on Harrier Club outings. If you have any concerns regarding farming practices you may observe , your first point of contact should always be the Harrier Club Committee.

If any closed gate is opened for Harriers to pass through, it MUST be closed securely again when all are through.

We have spent many years developing good relationships with landowners to allow us access to areas not always open to the general public.